Our differences

  • Experience in corporate life for 22+ years at all levels (Specialist - Manager - General Manager), swallowing the dust of the field, executing managerial levels for 17 years
  • 12 years of specialization (3500+ hours) of the Organizational development at all levels (CEO, Senior management, Management Teams, Manager, Talent, Functional- Agile Teams etc…)
  • Providing services, based on our knowledge and expertise, tailored to the needs of corporations in establishing an effective, fast and sustainable process, and in ensuring change and transformation
  • Emphasizing the sustainability of the change and competency development and the change producing the sustainable results.
  • Transfering our knowledge and skills to the managers, experts and professionals (starting from the first day of our relationship) to create competent & sustainable environments even after the projects are finished
  • Working with the Systems perspective-view of the Organization & Relationship systems of the Companies while working as a Consultant, Mentor, and/or Coach.
  • Serving customers as a well-known, experienced, certified and competent expert in our field in the light of various professional achievements and experiences.
  • Providing services with Business Partners who are experienced experts in their fields, have advanced in their careers in international and national companies, and have held senior management positions.

Our Values

  • Being open, sincere, honest and truthful to people & companies we cooperate with
  • Fulfilling the expectations of the Company
  • Observing and respecting all systems within the Company by hearing all voices in the system, and bringing into the open all information retrieved to increase awareness within the system
  • Ensuring complete privacy, data security and confidentiality
  • Completing the project from the beginning to the end with the same person